20th EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization, 4.-8. June 2018, Brno, Czech Republic

EuroVis 2018 Awards

Full Papers

Best Paper Award

This paper presents a novel, concise, and systematic mathematical basis for unifying approaches to describe features in 3D volumes. The paper is well-written with an excellent and complete view on previous work and offers a demonstrable improvement in the feature detection process which should have a lasting impact on the discipline.
Rendering and Extracting Extremal Features in 3D Fields
Gordon L. Kindlmann, Charisee Chiw, Tri Huynh, Attila Gyulassy, John Reppy, and Peer-Timo Bremer

Honorable Mention

Baseball Timeline: Summarizing Baseball Plays Into a Static Visualization
Jorge P. Ono, Carlos Dietrich and Claudio T. Silva

Honorable Mention

Exploring the Visualization Design Space with Repertory Grids
Kuno Kurzhals and Daniel Weiskopf

Short Papers

Best Short Paper

Visual Analysis of Parallel Interval Events
Ji Qi, Cong Liu, B. C. M. (Bram) Cappers, and Huub van de Wetering

Honorable Mention

Comparative Visual Analysis of Pelvic Organ Segmentations
Oliver Reiter, Marcel Breeuwer, Eduard Gröller, and Renata Georgia Raidou

Honorable Mention

Using a Task Classification in the Visualisation Design Process for Task Understanding and Abstraction: an Empirical Study
Natalie Kerracher, Jessie B. Kennedy, and Kevin Chalmers


Best Poster

Visual Analysis of Sentiment and Stance in Social Media Texts
Kostiantyn Kucher, Carita Paradis, and Andreas Kerren

Honorable Mention

Supporting Visual Parameter Analysis of Time Series Segmentation with Correlation Calculations
Christian Eichner, Heidrun Schumann, and Christian Tominski


EuroVis 2018, hosted by the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, is the 20th anniversary of annual visualization gathering organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization and supported by the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (IEEE VGTC). EuroVis has been a Eurographics and IEEE co-supported international visualization symposium held in Europe annually since 1999. EuroVis has been a conference since 2012.

Our organizational team at the Masaryk University is looking forward to welcome the researchers from the field of data visualization, covering also many interdisciplinary applications. Data visualization is key in gaining an understanding of large, complex data sets by exploiting the human visual system. Data visualization leverages computer graphics in order to provide a visual overview, explore, analyze, and present phenomena which are often difficult to understand.

The objective of EuroVis is to foster greater exchange between visualization researchers and practitioners, and to draw more researchers and industry partners in Europe to enter this rapidly growing area of research. EuroVis has an expanded scope to include all areas of visualization, and a steadily more wide-spread visibility that achieves a more wide-spread impact.

EuroVis full and STAR papers are published as a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), the International Journal of the Eurographics Association. The main conference will be preceded by several co-located events, which will be held at the same location.

See you in Brno!
Barbora Kozlikova

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Important Dates

Full Papers
Abstract December 6, 2017
Submission December 13, 2017
First Round Notification February 21, 2018
Revised Submission March 14, 2018
Final Notification March 21, 2018
Camera Ready Version April 13, 2018
Short Papers
Submission March 2, 2018
Notification March 30, 2018
Camera Ready Version April 20, 2018
Sketch October 13, 2017
Invitation for Submission November 3, 2017
Full Submission February 2, 2018
Review Notification March 16, 2018
Second Round Submission April 20, 2018
Second Review Notification May 4, 2018
Camera Ready Version May 18, 2018
Submission April 11, 2018
Notification April 23, 2018
Camera Ready Version April 27, 2018
Fast Forward
All Tracks May 11, 2018

Previous EuroVis

EuroVis 2017
EuroVis 2016
EuroVis 2015
EuroVis 2014
EuroVis 2013